Participations at conventions

– Bray L., 2004. Les adventices allergisantes – Dissémination : reproduction sexuée ou végétative. Troisième séminaire national Botanique et Allergie, 29-30 May, Vienne-le-Château (France), oral communication. – Bray L., Delmas M., 2004. Botanic gardens must promote holistic knowledge of plants. Session : Environmental Reconciliation – a vision for botanic gardens. Second World Botanic Congress, 17-23 April, Barcelona (Spain), oral communication. – Bray L., 2003. Pollen des phanérophytes : morphologie, transport, dispersion géographique. Deuxième séminaire national Botanique et Allergie, 2-3 May, Sorèze (France), oral communication. – Gourlet J., Joly E., Bray L., 2000. The strategy of the botanical garden of the city of Paris: objectives, actions and achievements. First World Botanic Gardens Congress, Partnership Within and Beyond the Garden, 25-30 April, Asheville (USA), oral communication. – Bray L., 2000. Business and administration methods applied to science education in the botanical garden of the city of Paris. “Eurogard 2000” The Second European Botanic Garden Conference, 10-16 April, Las Palmas-Canary Islands (Spain), oral communication. – Charrier C., Bray L., Joly E., 2000. Cultivated-origin seeds for improving conservation of wild-origin seeds of endangered species. “Eurogard 2000” The Second European Botanic Garden Conference, 10-16 April, Las Palmas-Canary Islands (Spain), oral communication. – Bray L., 1999. The strategic importance of science education in the botanical garden of the city of Paris. Fourth International Congress on Education in Botanic Garden, 6-11 November, Trivandrum (India), oral communication. – Bray L., Pierre E., 1999. Les actions éducatives du jardin botanique de la ville de Paris. Congress on Environmental education organised by the French Speaking Botanic Gardens Association. La Gacilly (France), 9-11 June, oral communication. – Bray L., 1998. How a green spaces department can reach the commitments of a botanical garden : the example of the city of Paris. Fifth International Botanic Gardens Conservation Congress, 14-18 September, Cape Town (South Africa), oral communication. – Bray L., Dagneau C., Jamet V., 1998. La biodiversité méditerranéenne exprimée dans les activités du jardin botanique de la Ville de Paris (The mediterranean biodiversity in the activities of the botanical garden of the City of Paris). IXème Colloque d’OPTIMA, National Natural History Museum, Paris (France), 11-17 May, poster. – Bray L., 1998. Conservation policy in the botanical garden of the city of Paris. Kew Mutual Improvement Society, 19 January, Kew (Great Britain), oral communication. – Beaufils J.-B., Bray L., 1997. Conservation of endemic and/or endangered plant species of New-Caledonia. “Eurogard 97” The First European Botanic Garden Conference, 2-5 April, Edinburgh (Great Britain ), poster. – Bray L., 1997. Plant genetic resources conservation by the botanical garden of the city of Paris. “Eurogard 97” The First European Botanic Garden Conference, 2-5 April, Edinburgh (Great Britain ), poster. – Bray L., 1997. L’accès aux ressources génétiques dans les jardins botaniques. Congress organised by Agrogene, 30-31 January, Paris (France), oral communication. – Bray L., 1996. The new millenium challenge for the botanic gardens of Paris. Third international congress on education in botanic gardens, 7-11 Spetember, New-York (USA), oral communication. – Bray L., Di Michele M. N., 1996. Influence of trigonelline applied on salt-stressed vitroplants and seedlings of Acacia ehrenbergiana. Congress organised by EUCARPIA, 11-15 March, Montpellier (France), poster. – Bray L., Di Michele M.N., 1995. Biotechnologies et ressources génétiques. Cinquièmes journées scientifiques du réseau Biotechnologies – Génie génétique des plantes de l’UREF & ISRA, 13-15 December, Dakar (Senegal), oral communication. – Bray L., Bray M.N., Lecouturier V., 1993. Amélioration de la résistance à la salinité chez Acacia sp. Quatrièmes journées scientifiques du réseau Biotechnologies – Génie génétique des plantes de l’UREF & CRA/FSA, 18-21 October, Gembloux (Belgium), oral communication. – Bray L., 1993. International workshop on halophytes for reclamation of saline wastelands and as a resource for livestock. PNUE, 22-27 November, mission report, Nairobi (Kenya): 11 pp. – Bray L., 1992. Symposium UIFRO Production de variétés génétiquement améliorées d’espèces forestières à croissance rapide. AFOCEL-UIFRO, Bordeaux (France), 14-18 September. – Bray L., D. Chriqui, K. Gloux, D. Le Rudulier, M. Meyer, J. Peduzzi, 1991. Variations des teneurs en acides aminés et en bétaïnes chez Populus trichocarpa x P. deltoides durant un stress de salinité ou durant la dormance hivernale. Réunion du Groupe d’Etudes de l’Arbre, INRA, 27-28 March, Nancy (France), oral communication. – Bray L., D. Chriqui, K. Gloux, D. Le Rudulier, 1989. Accumulation de trigonelline chez Populus trichocarpa x deltoides durant la dormance hivernale ou après un stress salin. XIème colloque de la section française de l’IAPTC, 24-25 October, Versailles (France), poster. – Jehan H., L. Bray, J.C. Caissard, D. Chriqui, 1989. Modulations des réponses de régénération in vitro et de transformation génétique chez Populus trichocarpa x deltoides. XIème colloque de la section française de l’IAPTC, 24-25 October, Versailles (France), poster.. – Bray L., H. Jehan, J.C. Caissard, D. Chriqui, 1989. Recherches de bases sur l’obtention de régénérants transformés chez Populus trichocarpa x deltoides. International conference on biotechnologies, Amiens (France), 10-12 July, poster. – Bray L., D. Chriqui, K. Gloux, D. Le Rudulier, 1989. Trigonelline accumulation in salt-stressed vitroplants of Populus trichocarpa x deltoides. International conference on biotechnologies, Amiens (France),10-12 July, poster.

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