Curriculum vitae

LAURENT BRAY E-mail: [->] PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ——- 1995-2005 City of Paris, Green Spaces Department, Curator and scientific Head of Plant Collections: – Established the Botanic Garden of the city of Paris by applying business and administrative methods: strategic planning, cost analysis, benchmarking, SWOT and developed a data base following the International Transfer Format, – Developed Biodiversity Conservation activities and created plant collections, – Developed Education activities (botanic courses, research activities, science for pupils) and links with universities (plant material donation for research, trainees, excursions for students). Wild and cultivated green spaces assessment: – Impact studies: phytosociological analysis, protected plant species, – Management propositions following the national and international laws on biodiversity conservation especially the European directive Natura2000. 1995 Cirad, International Center of Agronomy for Development, Paris: Authored the project for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development of Djibouti accepted by the Global Environment Facility (1-month contract). 1992-1994 French Technical Assistance, Head of Life Sciences Department at the Institute of Higher and Technical Studies (ISERST) in Djibouti: – Sale of goods and services: technical assistance, soil analysis, seedling production…, fund raising (USA, EEC, France, UN…), – Lead (a) Plant genetic resources in arid zones funded by the French cooperation, (b) Agro-pastoralism resources funded by the Italian cooperation, – Managed and trained 12 people from several countries. 1991 Cabinet Mazars, Auditor, Paris: Financial and organizational audit of firms, banks and mutual funds. EDUCATION AND DIPLOMAS —— 2001 MBA. Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers, Paris. 1990 Ph.D. in Biology and Physiology of Plants. University P. & M. Curie, Paris. Graduated with the highest honors. 1990 Training course in Financial auditing, HEC (1 month). 1988 Master in Plant Biology. Passed with distinction. University P. & M. Curie, Paris. SKILLS AND MISCELLANEOUS ——- Languages Fluency in English and Italian. Computer Office Professional (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint), MS Project. Associations Member of the French Association of Experts in Technical Assistance, board member of the French speaking botanic gardens association and different botanic gardens in France: University Paris XI, Savigny-le-Temple and veterinary college of Maisons-Alfort.


– Bray L., 2003. L’orangerie de l’hôtel Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau – Plantes d’introductions récentes pour le prestige et plantes indigènes médicinales. Bulletin de la société de l’histoire de Paris et de l’Ile-de-France, 130 : 103-107. – Bray L., 2002. L’espèce : discussion d’une notion intuitive. Hommes & Plantes, 43 : 32-35. – Bray L., 2001. Achievement of new botanic gardens through analysis of existing parts and integration of key assets to fulfill the French-speaking botanic garden charter. In Plants, People and Planet Earth – the role of botanic gardens in sustainable living. Proceedings of the Fifth International Botanic Gardens Conservation Congress Davis, G. & Scott, A. ed. : CD-ROM. – Bray L., 2000. Plantes à fleurs d’Europe occidentale. Systématique évolutive. Ed. Diderot Multimédia / Diffusion Le Seuil : 272 p. – Bray L., 2000. Du jardin de ville au jardin botanique : le management appliqué à la conservation de la biodiversité. European Master of Business and Administration, Ceprim-Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers : 71 p. – Bray L. Duru J., Charrier C., Loriot S., 2000. Les nouvelles missions éducatives du jardin botanique de la ville de Paris. Compte-rendus du congrès sur l’éducation dans les jardins botaniques de la Gacilly (9-11 juin 1999) : 7-11. Haïcour R., Bray L., Ducreux G., 1999. Abrégé de systématique des plantes à fleurs communes de France. Edition de l’Université Paris-Sud : 58 p. – Bray L., Pertuzon C., 1999. Systématique des Palmiers ou Arecaceae. Hommes & Plantes (n° spécial) : 15-16. – Bray G., Bray L., 1998. Gestion informatisée des collections végétales vivantes ou mortes selon la 2ème norme ITF définie par le Botanical Garden Conservation International. Base de données relationnelles fonctionnant en réseau avec une gestion des groupes d’utilisateurs. – Bray L., Bonnet S., Couette F., 1997. Conservation des ressources phytogénétiques par le jardin botanique de la Ville de Paris. Actes du Séminaire Agrogène 1997 : 104-116. – Di Michele M.N., Bray L., Mounir S., Ali A., Nasser M., 1995. Faisabilité du semis direct d’arbres à usages multiples. In : Quel avenir pour l’amélioration des plantes ? Dubois J. & Demarly Y. éd., John Libbey Eurotext, Paris : 448-459. – Bray L., Lecouturier V., Di Michele M.N., 1995. Sensibilité d’Acacia flava et d’Acacia nilotica à Agrobacterium tumefaciens. In : Quel avenir pour l’amélioration des plantes ? Dubois J. & Demarly Y., John Libbey Eurotext, Paris : 195-204. – Di Michele M.N., Bray L., 1995. Multiplication végétative in vitro d’Acacia flava syn. erhenbergiana. In : Quel avenir pour l’amélioration des plantes ? Dubois J. & Demarly Y., John Libbey Eurotext, Paris : 97-108. – Bray L., Mounir S., Di Michele M.N., Mohamed C., 1994. Comparaison de deux provenances djiboutiennes (Ruelli et Ribta) d’arbre à encens (Boswellia papyrifera), espèce d’intérêt économique pour Djibouti et la Corne de l’Afrique. Sciences et Environnement, 9 : 29-32. – Bray L., Di Michele M.N., Nima A., Mahamoud H., 1994. Les recherches en Biotechnologies à Djibouti. Sciences et Environnement, 9 : 63-67. – Jalludin M., Bray L., Atasi M., Gafaneh A., Zotskina E., Hirsch J., Houdart X., Weight D., Ali A., 1993. Evaluation des ressources en eau et terre du site expérimental du cône de déjection de l’oued Atar. Revue de l’ISERST, 8 : 23-26. – Bray L., Di Michele M.N., 1993. Réflexions sur la désertification et l’environnement. Revue de l’ISERST, 8 : 9-17. – Di Michele M.N., L. Bray, 1992. La culture in vitro à Djibouti : un outil de la lutte contre la désertification. Rivista di Agricoltura Subtropicale e Tropicale, 87 : 85-96. – Bray L., D. Chriqui, K. Gloux, M. Meyer, J. Peduzzi, 1992. Teneurs en trigonelline et en acides aminés de vitro-plants de Populus trichocarpa x Populus deltoides soumis à un stress de salinité. In : Biotechnologies appliquées aux arbres forestiers, 1991. Réseau AFOCEL-Ministère de la Recherche et de l’Espace, AFOCEL, Paris : 111-126. – Bray L., D. Chriqui, K. Gloux, D. Meyer, J. Peduzzi, 1991. Betaines and free amino acids in salt stressed vitroplants and resting buds of Populus trichocarpa x deltoides. Physiol. Plant., 83 : 136-143. – Bray L., 1990. Conséquences métaboliques et cellulaires du stress de salinité chez les vitroplants de Populus trichocarpa x deltoides cv Hunnegem. Thèse de Doctorat de l’Univ. P. & M. Curie, Paris : 138 pp. – Bray L., D. Chriqui, K. Gloux, D. Le Rudulier , 1990. Trigonelline accumulation in Populus trichocarpa x deltoides during winter dormancy or after in vitro culture under salt stress. In : Cinquantenaire de la culture in vitro chez les végétaux, Colloques de l’INRA, 51, C. Doré, INRA pub. : 253-254. – Bray L., D. Chriqui, K. Gloux, D. Le Rudulier, 1989. Variations de la teneur en trigonelline associées au stress salin et à la dormance hivernale chez Populus trichocarpa x deltoides. Annales de recherches sylvicoles AFOCEL : 133-137. – Bray L., 1988. Recherches préliminaires sur la résistance au stress salin chez Populus trichocarpa x deltoides cv Hunnegem. Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, Univ. P. & M. Curie, Paris : 60 pp. YEARLY PUBLICATIONS ——- – Editor of the Index seminum of the botanic garden of the city of Paris from 1997 to 2000. The objective of this list of seeds, freely distributed to other botanic gardens, is to promote our biodiversity conservation activities, especially of genetic resources of plants of wild origin.

Participations at conventions

– Bray L., 2004. Les adventices allergisantes – Dissémination : reproduction sexuée ou végétative. Troisième séminaire national Botanique et Allergie, 29-30 May, Vienne-le-Château (France), oral communication. – Bray L., Delmas M., 2004. Botanic gardens must promote holistic knowledge of plants. Session : Environmental Reconciliation – a vision for botanic gardens. Second World Botanic Congress, 17-23 April, Barcelona (Spain), oral communication. – Bray L., 2003. Pollen des phanérophytes : morphologie, transport, dispersion géographique. Deuxième séminaire national Botanique et Allergie, 2-3 May, Sorèze (France), oral communication. – Gourlet J., Joly E., Bray L., 2000. The strategy of the botanical garden of the city of Paris: objectives, actions and achievements. First World Botanic Gardens Congress, Partnership Within and Beyond the Garden, 25-30 April, Asheville (USA), oral communication. – Bray L., 2000. Business and administration methods applied to science education in the botanical garden of the city of Paris. “Eurogard 2000” The Second European Botanic Garden Conference, 10-16 April, Las Palmas-Canary Islands (Spain), oral communication. – Charrier C., Bray L., Joly E., 2000. Cultivated-origin seeds for improving conservation of wild-origin seeds of endangered species. “Eurogard 2000” The Second European Botanic Garden Conference, 10-16 April, Las Palmas-Canary Islands (Spain), oral communication. – Bray L., 1999. The strategic importance of science education in the botanical garden of the city of Paris. Fourth International Congress on Education in Botanic Garden, 6-11 November, Trivandrum (India), oral communication. – Bray L., Pierre E., 1999. Les actions éducatives du jardin botanique de la ville de Paris. Congress on Environmental education organised by the French Speaking Botanic Gardens Association. La Gacilly (France), 9-11 June, oral communication. – Bray L., 1998. How a green spaces department can reach the commitments of a botanical garden : the example of the city of Paris. Fifth International Botanic Gardens Conservation Congress, 14-18 September, Cape Town (South Africa), oral communication. – Bray L., Dagneau C., Jamet V., 1998. La biodiversité méditerranéenne exprimée dans les activités du jardin botanique de la Ville de Paris (The mediterranean biodiversity in the activities of the botanical garden of the City of Paris). IXème Colloque d’OPTIMA, National Natural History Museum, Paris (France), 11-17 May, poster. – Bray L., 1998. Conservation policy in the botanical garden of the city of Paris. Kew Mutual Improvement Society, 19 January, Kew (Great Britain), oral communication. – Beaufils J.-B., Bray L., 1997. Conservation of endemic and/or endangered plant species of New-Caledonia. “Eurogard 97” The First European Botanic Garden Conference, 2-5 April, Edinburgh (Great Britain ), poster. – Bray L., 1997. Plant genetic resources conservation by the botanical garden of the city of Paris. “Eurogard 97” The First European Botanic Garden Conference, 2-5 April, Edinburgh (Great Britain ), poster. – Bray L., 1997. L’accès aux ressources génétiques dans les jardins botaniques. Congress organised by Agrogene, 30-31 January, Paris (France), oral communication. – Bray L., 1996. The new millenium challenge for the botanic gardens of Paris. Third international congress on education in botanic gardens, 7-11 Spetember, New-York (USA), oral communication. – Bray L., Di Michele M. N., 1996. Influence of trigonelline applied on salt-stressed vitroplants and seedlings of Acacia ehrenbergiana. Congress organised by EUCARPIA, 11-15 March, Montpellier (France), poster. – Bray L., Di Michele M.N., 1995. Biotechnologies et ressources génétiques. Cinquièmes journées scientifiques du réseau Biotechnologies – Génie génétique des plantes de l’UREF & ISRA, 13-15 December, Dakar (Senegal), oral communication. – Bray L., Bray M.N., Lecouturier V., 1993. Amélioration de la résistance à la salinité chez Acacia sp. Quatrièmes journées scientifiques du réseau Biotechnologies – Génie génétique des plantes de l’UREF & CRA/FSA, 18-21 October, Gembloux (Belgium), oral communication. – Bray L., 1993. International workshop on halophytes for reclamation of saline wastelands and as a resource for livestock. PNUE, 22-27 November, mission report, Nairobi (Kenya): 11 pp. – Bray L., 1992. Symposium UIFRO Production de variétés génétiquement améliorées d’espèces forestières à croissance rapide. AFOCEL-UIFRO, Bordeaux (France), 14-18 September. – Bray L., D. Chriqui, K. Gloux, D. Le Rudulier, M. Meyer, J. Peduzzi, 1991. Variations des teneurs en acides aminés et en bétaïnes chez Populus trichocarpa x P. deltoides durant un stress de salinité ou durant la dormance hivernale. Réunion du Groupe d’Etudes de l’Arbre, INRA, 27-28 March, Nancy (France), oral communication. – Bray L., D. Chriqui, K. Gloux, D. Le Rudulier, 1989. Accumulation de trigonelline chez Populus trichocarpa x deltoides durant la dormance hivernale ou après un stress salin. XIème colloque de la section française de l’IAPTC, 24-25 October, Versailles (France), poster. – Jehan H., L. Bray, J.C. Caissard, D. Chriqui, 1989. Modulations des réponses de régénération in vitro et de transformation génétique chez Populus trichocarpa x deltoides. XIème colloque de la section française de l’IAPTC, 24-25 October, Versailles (France), poster.. – Bray L., H. Jehan, J.C. Caissard, D. Chriqui, 1989. Recherches de bases sur l’obtention de régénérants transformés chez Populus trichocarpa x deltoides. International conference on biotechnologies, Amiens (France), 10-12 July, poster. – Bray L., D. Chriqui, K. Gloux, D. Le Rudulier, 1989. Trigonelline accumulation in salt-stressed vitroplants of Populus trichocarpa x deltoides. International conference on biotechnologies, Amiens (France),10-12 July, poster.

Reports for and participation to projects

– Project for the creation of Sahel Greenhouse in the garden of Auteuil (City of Paris), 2000. Conservation of useful and/or endangered plants from 6 French-speaking country : Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad ; ex situ conservation of genetic resources, especially through seeds. – Project for the building of New-Caledonia biotope in the garden of Auteuil (City of Paris), 1998. Participation in this project in all scientific items: endemism in this French territory is high and justifies ex situ conservation of genetic resources. – Author for the Foreign Affairs Department (Délégation Générale des Relations Internationales) of the City of Paris of a project for the computerization of the herbarium of the Institut Fondamental Afrique Noire at IFAN, Dakar (Senegal), January 1998. – Project of a Systematic garden in the garden of Auteuil, Green spaces Department of the City of Paris, 1997. This project has been accepted by the city council. – Project of technical assistance from the Green spaces department of the city of Paris to the creation of the green spaces department of the city of Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso), 1996. This project included local staff training and genetic resources conservation of endangered useful plants. – Author of the project entitled Djibouti: Development of a National Biodiversity Strategy with Specific Emphasis on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources, brief and project documents. Accepted by the GEF Commission in January, 1995. – Author of the project entitled Research for the revegetalisation of the saline coastal area of Djibouti (Recherches sur la revégétalisation des zones côtières salées), retained by the Franco-Djiboutian Commission on March 19th, 1994. – Local consultant for the proposal of a project entitled Conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources of plant species from the arid zone of the Horn of Africa, UNDP/FEM mission of P-.B. Joly and J.S. Whiting, Dec.-1993. – Local consultant for the proposal of a project entitled Establishment of a national strategy for biodiversity and capacity building to put into practice the Convention on Biodiversity (Etablissement d’une stratégie nationale en matière de biodiversité et développement des capacités pour la mise en oeuvre de la Convention sur la diversité biologique), UNDP/FEM mission of P-.B. Joly and J.S. Whiting, Dec.-1993. – Author and technical advisor of the project entitled Desertification sensitisation, funded by USAID, Sept. 1992 – Jan. 1993. – Head of the project Plant genetic resources of arid zones and transformations, funded by the French Ministry of Co-operation, Aug. 1992-Dec. 1994. – Co-writer with David Weight (VITA) of studies concerning soil analysis and recommendations for the final report of the contract between UNSO-UNDP and ISERST for the pluri-disciplinary project entitled Evaluation of water and soil resources of the alluvial cone of the ouadi Atar, Aug. 1992 : 99-110; 115-119.

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